
Orbital mucormycosis in an immunocompetent individual


Background: Orbital mucormycosis caused by Zygomycetes is a rare and fatal infection that generally affects the patients who  are  immunocompromised.  Despite  antifungal  therapy  and  aggressive  surgical  intervention,  mucormycosis  can cause serious and rapidly fatal infections if delayed diagnosis or therapeutic management occurs. Here, we report orbital mucormycosis in a healthy boy, with a favorable outcome after aggressive treatment. He has had no recurrence since the end of his treatment.
Case present: A 2-year old healthy boy, some days after entry of dust particle to his left eye presented with swelling and redness of the eye. With diagnosis of “periorbital cellulitis” intravenous antibiotics vancomycin (40 mg/kg/day) and ceftriaxone (75 mg/kg/day) were started but no improvement was observed. The results of biopsy and tissue culture led us to a diagnosis of mucormycosis. Orbital exenteration, combined with intravenous amphotericin B (1 mg/kg/day), resulted in the patient’s survival.
Conclusion: Due to the high mortality rate of mucormycosis, early diagnosis based on clinical findings and biopsy could be effective for management of the patients suffering from this infection.

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amphotericin B immunocompetent mucormycosis orbital exentration

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Badiee P, Jafarpour Z, Alborzi A, Haddadi P, Rasuli M, Kalani M. Orbital mucormycosis in an immunocompetent individual. Iran J Microbiol. 1;4(4):210-214.