Distribution of human papillomavirus genotypes in suspected women cytological specimens from Tehran, Iran
Background and Objectives: The human papillomavirus (HPV) is associated with more than 70% of the cervical neoplasm. The current study aims to evaluate the distribution of HPV genotypes in suspected women cytological specimens from Tehran, Iran.
Materials and Methods: In the current cross-sectional study, HPV genotype prevalence was investigated in 433 subject women. DNA extraction was performed by High Pure Viral Nucleic Acid kit. A semi-automatically hybriSpot 24™ (HS24) setting was used for HPV typing and data interpreted by hybriSoft™ software according to instructions.
Results: Pathologic data showed 181 (41.8%) had non-malignant lesions, 212 (49%) had inflammation and 40 (9.2%) reported LSIL in primary Pap-smear result. HPV was found in 143 (33%) specimens and the most comment high-risk and low-risk HPV types were HPV-16 and -6, respectively. Also, 62 (43%) were co-infected with multiple genotypes includes, 34 (24%) cases had co-infection with two HPV types, 17 (12%) cases had co-infection with three HPV types, 6 (4%) cases had co-infection with four HPV types and 5 (3%) cases had co-infection with five HPV types. There was statistically different domination on high-risk genotype in most of the co-infected samples (p<0.01).
Conclusion: Current study indicates that the lesion pathology assessment was significantly associated with the HPV infection (p<0.01). Furthermore, the age group assessment shows that most of the HPV positive cases were 21 to 40 (p<0.01). The HPV infection prevalence in the current study was 33% and the most frequently reported high-risk and low-risk HPV types were 16 and 6, respectively.
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Files | ||
Issue | Vol 14 No 1 (2022) | |
Section | Original Article(s) | |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.18502/ijm.v14i1.8812 | |
Keywords | ||
Human papillomavirus (HPV); Papillomavirus infections; Uterine cervical neoplasms; In situ hybridization; Co-infection; LSIL |
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