
Prevalence of Cryptosporidium species among HIV positive asymptomatic and symptomatic immigrant population in Kashmir, India


Background and Objectives: Cryptosporidiosis has not been reported as an endemic disease in Kashmir, but high prevalence of Cryptosporidium sp. has been found among asymptomatic (non-diarrheic) HIV positive immigrants in present study. Due to increasing number of HIV positive immigrants in Kashmir, Cryptosporidium may become a public health problem in Kashmir.
Materials and Methods: A total of 45 stool samples were obtained from symptomatic (diarrheic n = 9) and asymptomatic (non-diarrheic n = 36) patients infected with HIV. The stool samples were concentrated using formalin ethyl acetate concentration technique, stained with modified Kinyoun’s cold stain and oocysts were identified by microscopy under 1000 x magnification. It was confirmed by detection of antigens in stool samples by ELISA.
Results:  It was established that all the patients studied were carriers of Cryptosporidium. In present study though 80% of patients were asymptomatic (non-diarrheic) and HIV positive  which involved non-Kashmiri army personals and travelers (immigrants) but were carriers of Cryptosporidium and 20% of HIV positive   patients were emigrants (local Kashmiri traders) who travelled different states of India were having diarrhea (symptomatic) as well as carrier of Cryptosporidium.
Conclusion: Though Cryptosporidium infection causes chronic diarrhea but in present study all HIV positive patients screened whether diarrheic or non-diarrheic were positive for Cryptosporidium. To prevent the transmission of Cryptosporidium oocyst in environment and endemic spread of cryptosporidiosis as non-diarrheic HIV positive population may be potential source of infection, obligatory laboratory testing for Cryptosporidium in HIV positive immigrant population like traders and travelers is highly recommended in order to have a better understanding of the cause of spread Cryptosporidium infection in Kashmir.

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Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Cryptosporidium HIV-Infection emigrants immigrants

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Masarat S, Ahmad F, Chisti M, Hamid S, Sofi BA. Prevalence of Cryptosporidium species among HIV positive asymptomatic and symptomatic immigrant population in Kashmir, India. Iran J Microbiol. 1;4(1):35-39.