
Oral chromoblastomycosis: a case report


A chronic fungal infection in tropical regions, chromoblastomycosis is caused by dematiaceous fungi, the form-family of Fungi Imperfecti, usually affecting one lower limb at the site of a trauma but sometimes involving other areas of the body including head & neck. In this article, we report the case of a rare primary chromoblastomycosis of the palate and chest in a 27-year-old man who was successfully treated with surgical resection and combined drug therapy, and eventually free tissue transfer reconstructive surgical procedure to cure the palatine defect.

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IssueVol 4 No 1 (2012) QRcode
Chromoblastomycosis fasciocutaneous free flap oronasal competence palatal reconstruction radial forearm flap

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Fatemi M, Bateni H. Oral chromoblastomycosis: a case report. Iran J Microbiol. 1;4(1):40-43R?.