
Inactivation of model viruses suspended in fresh frozen plasma using novel methylene blue based device


Background and Objective: There is a concern on safety of human Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) as it is a source of some medicinal products. The possibility of transmission of blood-borne are reported often due to emerging viruses. There are some Pathogen Reduction Technologies (PRT) to inactivate viruses. Methylene Blue (MB) based method is one of them. The aim of this study was to examine new designated device to inactivate model viruses.
Materials and Methods:
Four model viruses were used in this study:Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), Herpes Simplex Virus I (HSV-1), Bovine Viral DiarrheaVirus(BVDV) and Polio Virus.50% Tissue Culture Infective Dose (TCID 50) and Reed-Muench Methods were used to titer the viruses. MB in two final concentration of 0.1 μM and 1 μM and illumination in about 627nm with red LED (Lamp Emitting Diode) for 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes were used. Three replicates employed for each experiments.
1μMconcentration of MB showed more effective than 0.1μMin all designed illumination period for inactivation of HSV, VSV and BVDV. This method also demonstrated best results for enveloped model viruses. The most Log reduction for HSV, VSV and BVDV were6.28, 5.54 and 6.22, respectively. For HSV and BVDV inactivation, the best illumination period was 45 minutes.
Model viruses showed sensitivity combination of MB and illumination using red LEDs. As results show this device could inactivate model viruses and reduce their titer very close to approved commercial devices, in compare.

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IssueVol 6 No 1 (2014) QRcode
Blood-borne Viruses Fresh Frozen Plasma Methylene Blue Red LED

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Elikaei A, Sharifi Z, Hosseini S-M, Latifi H, Musavi-Hosseini M-K. Inactivation of model viruses suspended in fresh frozen plasma using novel methylene blue based device. Iran J Microbiol. 1;6(1):41-45.