Original Article

Histopathological characteristics and HPV status in cervical biopsy specimens diagnosed as flat condyloma


Background and Objectives: HPV infections cause a wide spectrum of pathological changes in lower anogenital epithelium. The aim of this study was to investigate the HPV DNA status and histological findings in cervical biopsy specimens diagnosed as flat condyloma.
Materials and Methods: This study included 20 cervical biopsy specimens diagnosed as flat condyloma. The histopathological criteria and presence of HPV DNA were evaluated. HPV genotyping was determined in HPV-positive specimens using BioEdit software and the results were analyzed in SPSS software.
Results: HPV DNA was not found in 30% of specimens and relative frequency of HPV genotypes was: 15% HPV6, 15% HPV11, 5% HPV16, 5% HPV18, 5% HPV53, 5% HPV68, 5% HPV84, 10% HPV45. Relative frequency of histopathological criteria was as below: 100% of specimens had koilocytosis, 100% acanthosis, 15% nuclear immaturity, 100% atypia, 15% mitotic activity, 50% dyskeratosis, 35% parakeratosis and 10% hyperkeratosis.
Conclusion: There were significant differences between HPV positivity and two pathologic criteria; multinucleation and hyperkeratosis (P Value: 0.02). Nuclear immaturity was significantly more prevalent in high risk HPV-positive specimens (P Value: 0.03).

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IssueVol 15 No 3 (2023) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/ijm.v15i3.12909
Human papillomavirus viruses; Human papillomavirus; Human papillomavirus; Sexually transmitted diseases; Warts

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How to Cite
Nategh F, Mohit M, Saatian M, Farahmand Z, Soleimanjahi H. Histopathological characteristics and HPV status in cervical biopsy specimens diagnosed as flat condyloma. Iran J Microbiol. 2023;15(3):468-474.