
Comparison of salivary Candida profile in patients with fixed and removable orthodontic appliances therapy


Background  and  Objectives:  Long-term  usage  of  fixed and  removable  orthodontic  appliances  creates  a  favorable environment for the augmentation of oral normal microflora particularly Candida species, which can increases the risk of periodontal lesions. The aim of this study was to assess quantitative and qualitative alterations in the carrier rate of Candida spp. after placement of fixed and removable orthodontic appliances on permanent dentition.
Materials and Methods: Patients enrolled in this study were children aged 7-18 years, who having fixed or removable orthodontic appliances, attended in orthodontics clinic for periodical provision. Six months after beginning of their orthodontic therapy, saliva samples were collected and cultured on Sabouraud dextrose agar for identification and enumerating of isolated Candida colonies. Candida species were identified using the germ tube test and API 20C AUX identification system. Data was analyzed with T-test and Chi square using SPSS 17 software.
Results: The average number of Candida colonies isolated from saliva in patients with fixed orthodontic was more than patients with removable appliance (P=0.001). Also frequency of non-albicans Candida species was higher in patients with fixed orthodontic appliances in compare with fixed group (p=0.001).
Conclusions: The results suggest that fixed orthodontic appliances treatment promotes an increase in salivary Candida carriers particularly non-albicans Candida species in compare with removable ones. This can indicate a more cautious approach when providing fixed orthodontic treatments for immunocompromised children regarding the increased possibility of candidal infection.

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Candida Sp Colonization Orthodontic brackets Saliva

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Khanpayeh E, Jafari AA, Tabatabaei Z. Comparison of salivary Candida profile in patients with fixed and removable orthodontic appliances therapy. Iran J Microbiol. 1;6(4):263-268.