Original Article

Molecular epidemiology of antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli among clinical samples isolated in Azerbaijan, Iran


Background and Objectives: The immediate emergence of resistant bacteria poses an increasingly growing problem to human society and the increasing prevalence of antibiotic resistance in Escherichia coli strains is one of the most important health problems. This study aimed to review the molecular epidemiology of drug resistance among clinical isolates of E. coli in north-west portion of Iran Azerbaijan.
Materials and Methods: A complete of 219 clinical isolates of E. coli had been collected from the various clinical samples. The disk diffusion and agar dilution assays were used to determine antimicrobial susceptibility. The presence of antibiotics resistance genes was carried out by the PCR method.
Results: The highest susceptibility was shown to imipenem (3%) and fosfomycin (3%), and the most antibiotic resistance was presented to ampicillin (99%). The highest frequent ESBL gene among isolates was blaCTXM-15 in 70% followed by blaCMY-2 in 67%, and blaTEM-1 in 46%. The most common fluoroquinolone (FQ) resistance genes were oqxB (34%), followed by oqxA (25%), and qnrB (18%). The frequency of tetracycline resistance genes (tetA, tetB, tetC, and tetD) were detected in 24.8%, 31.6%, 1.8%, and 4.2%, respectively. The highest frequent genes to fosfomycin were fosA 10%, fosA3 30%, fosC 40%, and fosX 20%. The dominant founded aminoglycosides resistant genes were armA (12.96%) and npmA (4.93%).
Conclusion: The prevalence of antibiotics resistance in the tested E. coli isolates was high in Azerbaijan, Iran and these findings showed that E. coli is one of the major drug-resistant pathogens.

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IssueVol 15 No 3 (2023) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/ijm.v15i3.12898
Escherichia coli; Antibiotic resistance; Epidemiology

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How to Cite
Ghotaslou R, Baghbani S, Ghotaslou P, Mirmahdavi S, Ebrahimzadeh Leylabadlo H. Molecular epidemiology of antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli among clinical samples isolated in Azerbaijan, Iran. Iran J Microbiol. 2023;15(3):383-391.