Varicella immunity in Iran: an age-stratified systematic review and meta-analysis
Objectives: To generate synthesized information on the epidemiology of VZV infection, as well as an estimation of prevalence of age-specific antibody in Iranian less than 40.
Material and Methods: After exclusion of irrelevant and overlapping reports, 15 papers were included (from nine major cities). Studies were pooled according to the heterogeneity test results. Random effect model methods were used for meta- analysis where significant heterogeneity was observed (age 1-16years ).For other age groups, fixed model were used.
Results: Significant heterogeneity was observed in prevalence rates of all childhood age-groups. The seropositivity prevalence increased steeply from the age of 1-5 to 6-10 [from 21.9% (95% CI; 10.8-33.1) to 42.1 %(95% CI; 33.6-50.6)]. At the age of 11–15, 59.4% (95% CI; 46.1-72.8) of children showed to be infected. The rate of seropositivity was more than 87% in individuals of 40 and older.
Conclusion: The varicella seroeprevalence in Iran is in accordance with average tropical and temperate areas. Comparison of conducted studies during 2003 to 2011 didn’t show any alteration in VZV seroprovalence in Iran.
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Iran Varicella meta-analysis seroepidemiologic study |
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