Original Article

Immobilization of Clostridium perfringens type D in calcium alginate beads: toxin production mimics free cell culture


Background and Objectives: Cell-immobilization is used to maintain microbial culture to produce metabolites in repeated-batch or continuous fermentations, thereby reducing the time and resources spent on delivering mass production of microbe. The technique also enables shortening of the detoxification phase and the amount of formaldehyde required due to low incidence of viable bacteria in the extract.
Materials and Methods: A solution of sodium alginate containing Clostridium perfringens cells was dropped into stirring CaCl2 solution via a sterile syringe needle. Optimizations resulted in reasonably uniform beads containing C. perfringens. Beads were externally stabilized by poly L-lysine, followed by immersion in a solution of Na-alginate to coat them with a new layer of alginate forming an alginate-PLL-alginate cortex.
Results: This study proved successful in immobilizing C. perfringens cells inside uniform alginate microspheres. Cell loading and cell propagation inside the beads were measured. The cell loaded beads were cultivable in liquid media producing 550 minimum lethal doses per milliliter (MLD/ml) in a 72 h.
Conclusion: The research paved the way for further investigations to optimize and establish an efficient bacterial encapsulation method. Thus, it seems possible to produce toxins from beads engulfing C. perfringens on larger scales via repeated-batch or continuous fermentation processes.

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IssueVol 14 No 4 (2022) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/ijm.v14i4.10236
Clostridium perfringens; Cell-immobilization techniques; Encapsulation; Calcium alginate beads; Toxin production

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How to Cite
Rakhshandeh H, Shamsaddini Bafti M, Familsatarian B, Nooshadokht M, Khazaeli P, Raiesi O, Amirheidari B. Immobilization of Clostridium perfringens type D in calcium alginate beads: toxin production mimics free cell culture. Iran J Microbiol. 2022;14(4):503-509.