Original Article

The gender differences as a risk factor in diabetic patients with COVID-19


Background and Objectives: In a Turkish cohort study, we revealed first time in literature the gender differences in admission to hospital and rates of mortality for diabetic patients with COVID-19.
Materials and Methods: The demographics, length of stay, mortality rates and concomitant chronic metabolic diseases of 152 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 were found in our hospital electronic document system (Probel) and recorded in excel files for further statistical analysis.
Results: In the mortality group (n:22), the numbers of men and women were 9 (40.9%) and 4 (18.2%), respectively. Comparing gender rates in diabetic group, the mortality risk of diabetic men was higher and statistically significant (p<0.05, Pearson Chi-square value:7.246).
Conclusion: We hope that the findings of this research will give scientists an idea of gender differences in viral pandemics for further studies.

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IssueVol 12 No 6 (2020) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/ijm.v12i6.5038
COVID-19; Diabetes mellitus type 2; Sex factors

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How to Cite
Belice T, Demir I. The gender differences as a risk factor in diabetic patients with COVID-19. Iran J Microbiol. 2020;12(6):625-628.