Original Article

Genome sequence and annotation of Streptomyces tendae UTMC 3329, acid and alkaline tolerant actinobacterium


Background and Objectives: Streptomyces tendae is one of the most prolific actinobacteria with a wide range of biotechnological applications. Genomic data can help in better understanding and exploration of important microorganisms, however, there is a few genomic information available for this species.
Materials and Methods: Molecular identification, pH and salt tolerance of an actinobacterium, designated Streptomyces tendae UTMC 3329, isolated from a tea field soil were done. Also, genomic DNA was extracted and sequenced using Illumina platform with MPS (massively parallel sequencing) Illumina technology. Gene annotation and bioinformatic analysis were done using appropriate software and servers.
Results: The draft genome is ~8.7 megabase pairs, containing 7557 predicted coding sequences. The strain was able to grow at pH 5-12 and 0-10% NaCl. The maximum growth rate of the bacterium was obtained at pH 7. The gene clusters involved in central carbon metabolism, phosphate regulation, transport system, stress responses were revealed. It was shown the presence of gene clusters of polyketides, ribosomally and non-ribosomally synthesized peptides. Various genes were found in xenobiotic degradation pathways and heavy metal resistance.
Conclusion: The current genomic information which reveals biological features, as well as the biotechnological potential of this acid and alkaline tolerant actinobacterium, can be implemented for further research on the species.

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IssueVol 12 No 4 (2020) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/ijm.v12i4.3939
Actinobacteria; Acid-tolerant; Alkaline-tolerant; Genome annotation; Genome sequencing; Genome mining; Streptomyces tendae

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How to Cite
Eftekharivash L, Hamedi J. Genome sequence and annotation of Streptomyces tendae UTMC 3329, acid and alkaline tolerant actinobacterium. Iran J Microbiol. 2020;12(4):343-352.