Review Article

Gut microbiota, epigenetic modification and colorectal cancer


Micro-organisms contain 90% of cells in human body and trillions foreign genes versus less than 30 thousand of their own. The human colon host various species of microorganisms, appraised at more than 1014 microbiota and contained of over a thousand species. Although each one’s profile is separable, the relative abundance and distribution of bacterial species is the same between healthy ones, causing conservation of each person’s overall health. Germline DNA mutations have been attributed to the less than 5% of CRC occurrence while more than 90% is associated with the epigenetic regulation. The most ubiquitous environmental factor in epigenetic modification is gut microbiota. Disruptive changes in the gut microbiome strongly contributed to the improvement of colorectal cancer. Gut microbiota may play critical role in progression of CRC via their metabolite or their structural component interacting with host intestinal epithelial cell (IEC). Herein we discuss the mechanism of epigenetic modification and its implication in CRC development, progression even metastasis by gut microbiota induction.

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Gut microbiota Colorectal cancer Epigenetic modification

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Rezasoltani S, Asadzadeh-Aghdaei H, Nazemalhosseini-Mojarad E, Dabiri H, Ghanbari R, Zali MR. Gut microbiota, epigenetic modification and colorectal cancer. Iran J Microbiol. 2017;9(2):55-63.